Sunday, October 14, 2007

You say it is your birthday!!

Well it was Ladybug's 8th birthday today. We celebrated with a trip to Mt.Spokane for hiking. You would think that 3 1/2 hours of hiking a mountain would wear out the doggies, but alas the only one taking a nap afterwards was Dan. I had to make birthday dinner which included, turkey meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes. Dan was the only one who did not clean his plate, of course he had consumed a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs and a giant sub sandwich prior to dinner. We gave Ladybug her birthday gift of a new hedgehog squeaker and it has taken Sullie about 20 minutes to confiscate it. I have Monster cookies baking in the oven and Dan is getting his sports fix.


Lyn M. Batten said...

Happy Birthday, Ladybug! I notice that you guys do a lot of hiking and a lot of eating! Hmmm It's a glorious day today to be at the dog park but wait . . . NO DOG! Hope you are enjoying them!

The Glads ... said...

What happened to all the pictures? And Happy belated B-day Ladybug!